Winston Churchill once described the U.S.S.R. as follows, "Russia is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma". That would pretty much sum up the the situation regarding the identification of housing styles as well. Let me give you some examples.
1) A surprising number of people, who should often know otherwise, use generic names to apply to homes that actually have much more specific names. Examples of this vagueness might be; Victorian, Gothic, Tudor, Gothic Revival, Neoclassical, Italian , English and Venacular (local).
[This is a Second Empire from Annapolis Royal
Nova Scotia.]

2) There is much disagreement among architectural writers
about the proper names for various styles. I know a house in
Guelph that has been identified as (1) Queen Anne,
(2) Richardson Romanesque and (3) Baronial Queen Anne by
three esteemed authors.
[This is a Federal house in Woodstock.]
Hi Ted - Castle Kilbride in Baden has been called both Italianate and Victorian. Which would you suggest? ...Jan (from painting class)